2024 Bass Champs Schedules
TelevisionMerchandiseEntry FormsNewsletterContact Us
Entry Forms
Please click on the links below to register online or open the entry form in a new window for print. If unable to download the entry form, you may contact Donna Potts (donna@basschamps.com) or David Bushland (david@basschamps.com) or call 817-439-3274 and they will be glad to send you the entry paperwork via US Mail or via email.

* 2024 Bass Champs Entry Fee is $400 *

Click here to print 2024 Team Entry form (for cash or check payment) Click here to print 2024 Team Entry form (for cash or check payment)
Click here to print entry form (for cash or check payment) Click here to print entry form (for cash or check payment)
Click Here to print 2024 Skeeter Owners Entry Form Click Here to print 2024 Skeeter Owners Entry Form
Click here to print 2024 MEGA BASS entry form (for cash or check payment) Click here to print 2024 MEGA BASS entry form (for cash or check payment)
Copyright Bass Champs, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Ph: 817.439.3274  Fax: 817.439.3317 
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